Most of my soaps are made from Goats Milk. I'm all in on ecczema skin, dry skin and non-chemicals.

So, why is goat’s milk even better than cow’s milk in shampoo and soap? After all, cow’s milk definitely makes a smooth, creamy, nourishing soap. 

Cow’s milk and goat’s milk are both wonderful for skin and hair, but there are some key differences.

  • Moisturizing– Goat’s milk is even more moisturizing than cow’s milk because of its high beta-casein (fat content). This ups the super-fat content of your soap and moisturizes skin as well as nourishes the scalp. It’s moisturizing ability makes it great for hair that tends to frizz or thick and curly hair. It also helps fight against dandruff.
  • Anti-Aging– Goat’s milk has alpha-hydroxy acids. Alpha-Hydroxy acids soften skin by helping to break the bond between dead skin cells. This helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin while you wash, making your skin look younger and more healthy.
  • Vitamins and Minerals– Goat’s milk also has Vitamins A, B6, B12, E as well as minerals like magnesium, potassium, and selenium. These are wonderful for your hair; nourishing and making hair shafts stronger.

Anti-Bacterial – Goat’s milk is naturally anti-bacterial. This, combined with the honey makes this an amazing soap for sensitive skin, those who are acne prone, or those who have scalp issues.